Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What you don't want to see

In Nigeria the average person stays focused on the basics of survival. Feeding the family and maintaining a roof over our heads.  Most of us have no time to consider even monumental events in world affairs, such as what is taking place this week between the U.S. and the Islamic Republic of Iran in reaching a nuclear weapons deal. The west seeks to stop Iran from acquiring the ultimate weapon, the nuclear bomb. A bomb which could destroy Lagos or Kano in the blink of an eye.

Why should we in Nigeria be concerned? As signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement, we don't have such weapons. We can't imagine a scenario where we would ever be targeted by them, right?  To date only eight countries in the world even poses "nukes". They are: U.S., U.K., France, China, Russia, Israel, Pakistan, and India.


During peace time it's all good. But in case there is ever a war having such weapons will determine which nations live and which nations perish.  The technological edge always has determined the victor in military conflict. North Africa was conquered by the Arabs because they were using iron swords against black Africans with bronze weapons. So, you don't want to come up short in the technology department when you are attacked by a blood thirsty Arab.

The dynamic to observe carefully is between Iran and their regional nemesis Saudi Arabia.  If Iran gets "the bomb", the Saudis will likely obtain nukes immediately from Pakistan. In fact, it was Saudi Arabia which financed the Pakistanis in their race to develop a nuclear capability. Where will that leave Nigeria and the OAU? It leaves us unarmed and vulnerable to being invaded and conquered by people who will in twenty years be sitting on empty oil wells and living in the desert. The Arabs have no farm land and practically no water resources. They will crave our lands. And we won't be able to defend ourselves unless we too are armed with nuclear weapons as a deterrent.  People who don't plan for the future will have no future to plan for. We have 13 years according to President Obama's deal with the Iranians. The clock is ticking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow this is scary ohhh. God help us